

We aim to empower Girls in Nigeria to get the education that will enable them realize their full potentials.


No one is limited by their social status, religion,
lifestyle, or educational background.

Targeted at girls of age 0-25

To build moral, professional, spiritual and lifestyle
qualities of each member or girl


We are up to giving mentorship to all through their life’s journey


We aim at being a life long institution that improves
the quality of lifesyle to the next generation across
the globe.



Outreach Support

Skill Building Or Training

Reading Club

Group Seminar

One on One Counselling

Daily Prayers

Fit Challenge

Diamond Ball/Fundraising

Bible Quiz

As a network we are made up of sisters from both privileged and less privilege members of society.

We therefore make it a point of duty to support each other when in dire need.

However we frown at any form of abuse of privilege.

The platform does not encourage any act of begging individual members of the group.

The comfortability of members is important.
Anonymous Contributions can be made to purposeful causes. We would also be engaging in charitable out reaches held twice a year as per calendar

The network can organize, pay for or subsidies payment on any skill building
program for members.

This would be based on funds available to the network.

This is optional to members.

A book will be selected by a member of the group,
and shared with everyone.

Discussions will be held at the end of every reading week.

It is an activity to
increase our knowledge on important concepts learnable from good books,
and in an interesting participatory manner.

External seminars: Guest speakers will be invited to facilitate seminars for
the group in a bid to be well-informed and seasoned with social skills and
indispensable knowledge.
Held: Monthly as per calendar.

Internal seminars: Topics would be chosen by a speaker (as per roster) who
would facilitate a seminar with the group. The seminar can break into
open discussions or panel discussion.
Held: Every 2 weeks

It is important for young women to benefit from wise guidance. We often
get confused as to how to deal with certain challenges life throws at us.

The pressures and expectations of high moral living on young women can
be overwhelming, and this is why it is important to have a mentor or sister
you can share your challenges with and receive Godly advise from.

This is what Madinma Foundation is for.

Our aim is to guide and edify young women, developing self confidence and
excellence in our members.

Our WhatsAapp group is not only for passing information to members, but
daily edification, by sharing prayers every morning and night to edify each other.

Zoom meetings must always form a quorum of 3 participants at least in order
to be held.

It is important that we all participate in our zoom activities as we
hope for the end of the global pandemic.

Staying mentally and physically healthy is an important ingredient in
becoming the best version of yourself.

Fitness builds your self confidence and aids your mental work process.

Monthly challenges will be initiated, where members would be
encouraged to participate.

This is an annual formal/ black tie event, where all our supporters would be
invited to share in our achievements as women, as members and supporters
of the Madinma Foundation.

Ladies who have grown with us over the years and have attained the age of
25, having shown great character and spiritual growth would also be called
to mentorship on this special day.

We would also use the opportunity of this event to raise funds for the
continuity of our cause/mission.

Spiritual edification is the core and center of the Madinma Foundation network.

We wold be hosting Monthly Bible quizes based on all the scriptures we must
have come across through out the month.

There would also be prizes to be won. This encourages our daily study of the
Word as women of God.



We work with girls from impoverished households in specific places while encouraging collaboration among our partners and sponsors.

Assisting Schools

We help schools by visiting them and working on programs that aim to improve educational development and academic governance.

We Advocate

We shall campaign for the girl child's education. We are dedicated to bringing about long-term change in our community.

Tuition Support

To boost the academic achievement of young females, we give yearly tuition, technical support, capacity building, and mentoring.

Scholarships for Education

We use our connections with a network of Schools to find and propose female candidates who are qualified for full-tuition sponsorship for an academic year.

Sessions of Peer Learning

By facilitating seminars on character development, life skills, and occupational skills training, we provide chances for lifelong learning.

Our Achievement

0 +

Support Given

0 +

Girls Helped


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